Zoe, The Cat With A Heart On Her Chest!

Zoe is a British shorthair mix who lives in Utrecht, Holland, with her owner Joanne Smienk.

Joanne wanted first to take home Zoe’s sister Izzy. ‘We found Zoë by accident. We were planning on adopting one kitten and we had chosen Izzy at first.”

“When we went to pick her up we saw Zoe too and she charmed us with her adorable heart marking, that surprisingly no one had noticed before, her playful attitude and her fluff.” Joanne said.

The two tuxedo kittens were very close one to another and Joanne didn’t want to separate them. ‘We just couldn’t separate them and went home with both. This is still our best impulsive decision ever.’ Joanne said.

Image source: Instagram.