Land of Cats

Senior are very often the last ones to be adopted from shelters. In shelters all over the world are many old cats who are waiting for someone to adopt them. Some wait for years till they find a home, some are never adopted.

11-year-old Mojo and his friend 16-year-old Max, were dropped off with Anne Arundel County Animal Control, in Maryland.

Mojo was the first one to find a home. A kind hearted woman decided to offer him a beautiful forever home.

“A lady adopted Mojo, an 11-year-old cat who came to the shelter with another cat, Max, who is 16,” the shelter wrote on Facebook.

“Mojo has been a wonderful pet, she said, but she couldn’t get Max out of her mind. ‘The idea of him living out his life in a cage just broke my heart,’ she said.”

Mojo loved his new home, but there was something still missing. So the woman decided to go back to the shelter to adopt Max also and reunite the two friends. Now Mojo and Max are reunited in their forever home and totally inseparable!