‘My Tiny Love Teacher‘ is a novel based on true life events. It’s about the struggles and success of a single mother trying to achieve a loving and harmonious life for her only son away from an abusive and fanatic family.
Coming from a dysfunctional family environment, Monique decided to leave after divorcing a man who she was forced to marry because she was pregnant.
To her family, Monique committed not only one but two sins, divorcing and giving birth to a son conceived out of marriage.
After leaving that crazy environment she needed to work with things like knowing she deserved to give and receive love and compassion; learn to show her natural generous heart and forgive a group of people that hurt her deeply with continuous psychological abuse including her own mother.
“Choux came to me in the right time, when I was ready to learn and apply her wisdom and make big changes in my life. My little Choux was a miracle of life herself.”
Along almost 20 years, Monique observed Choux’s way of living on a daily basis. She learned to love, to forgive and forget, to live in the present; that she was the owner of the whole health, wealth and love, and that the real source comes from within.
Being blessed with a loving son and pets, Monique applied the wisdom she learned from her darling Choux day by day achieving the harmonious life she longed to have. This harmony allowed her to raise her son in the healthy environment full of love, happiness and understanding she always wanted for him; and that she would have wanted for herself when she was little.
Monique’s Tiny Love Teacher turned out to be the best treatment to heal from 25 years of psychological abuse; and helped her to leave behind all the heavy baggage she was carrying to then become able to live a light, happy, and loving life surrounded by the right people.
My Tiny Love Teacher will make you cry and laugh, will make you reject abuse; and will make you look at your pet in a whole different way. Who knows, if you don’t have a pet, then you might want to go to a shelter to adopt a Tiny Love Teacher that won’t do anything but give you love and gratefulness.
“When my darling Choux died, I knew I had to share her wisdom with everyone in this world. If you have a pet at home, then you have been blessed with a living guardian angel and a Tiny Love Teacher.”
“Tell me, do you have a Tiny Love Teacher in your home?”
If you would like to receive a dedicated e-book please send a picture with your cat at the email address editor@magicmasterminds.com. The author, Monique Paul will offer 50 free e-books to the first 50 persons who will send the email!
For more information about the book please visit: mytinyloveteacher.com. You can order the book here: amazon.com.