Land of Cats

Oklahoma animal shelter released iPet to allow everyone to play with cats whenever and where ever! You can interact with animals in the shelters live, in real time, right from your computer!

The Enid Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a non-profit organization located in the Enid, Oklahoma area, whose mission is to end adoptable pet euthanasia in Enid due to overpopulation. The shelter is using interactive technology to connect cat lovers with shelter cats.

The interactive technology utilizes a camera that placed in SPCA’s ceiling. It’s also remotely linked to a laser pointer, cat toy and tilt and swirl inside the room. Anyone can play for free with the cats but each user is limited to two minutes a piece.

“So far, the cats have really enjoyed it. The kittens especially love the entertainment and play time. It helps to socialize them as well,” Kayla Waldrop from SPCA said.

This program is very useful to people who live to far to come down to the shelter, people who are allergic to cat hair or are wanting to adopt but aren’t sure which cat they want .

You can also play with the cats by visiting: