S’mores the cat was rescued when she was only 6 weeks old after she suffered a head injury from an accident.
A cat carrier was dropped by accident on her head and left her immobilized and with brain damage. She couldn’t walk or eat on her own. Vets weren’t sure if she would ever make it.
Her rescuers refused to give up on her so they decided to everything to keep her alive and happy.
The miracle kitty never stopped fighting to get better despite all the odds against her. Her recovery lasted about three months. For three months she just laid there non-responsive getting nutrients from a feeding tube.
The Odd Cat Sanctuary took the kitty in their care and offered all necessary treatments and so much love. Day by day S’mores was getting stronger. She slowly started to show signs of life, first she started taking water by syringe, and showed a little interest in licking food.Then she started to slowly be able to walk but in circles to the left.
Over time little miracle kitty regained her ability to eat and drink and could do all the things that other cats do. She just never grew. She will be forever kitten sized, but she’s the happiest she can be.
One rescue founder of The Odd Cat Sanctuary adopted her, so she is spoiled and loved in her forever home. She even has a best feline friend!
Now she is two years old and she loves to meow and purr!
You can follow S’mores on Facebook!