Land of Cats

People who have cats share an unbreakable bond with their feline companions. The same strong bond is between Tigris and her owner who rescued her while she was a small kitten.

Tigris’ owner wrote us: “Tigris was born on the streets 5 years ago from a stray and very old mother. It was a hot summer day and they were both hungry, thirsty and so scared. Tigris was cold and her eyes were running. So I decided to help them. I spent 2 hours trying to catch the two cats and finally I succeeded! Tigris’s mother was in a good condition and she found fast a good person who adopted her. Tigris’s condition was not so good, she needed a long time of treatments to become a healthy kitten. But she fought and I am so proud of her! She become a member of our family. Now she is 5 years old and she brings joy in our lives!”