Land of Cats

Big Cat Rescue is one of the largest accredited sanctuaries in the world dedicated to abused and abandoned big cats. They are home to about 80+ rescued lions, tigers, bobcats, cougars and other species most of whom have been abandoned, abused, orphaned, saved from being turned into fur coats, or retired from performing acts.

Nikita is one of the lions who is living at the sanctuary. She was rescued after she was found chained to the wall in a crack house during a drug bust in Tennessee. She had been confined to a concrete floor and had huge swellings on her elbows. She was so thin that you could carry her under one arm.

The authorities took her to the Nashville Zoo at Grasmere, but she had been declawed and could not live with the zoo’s other lions. They had to find a new home for her. Big Cat Rescue found out about her and decided to give her a chance.

Nikita has flourished under Big Cat Rescue care. She has grown into a tall, healthy and beautiful lioness. She loves to play and to roll on her back and grab her paws or try to do somersaults whenever she has visitors stopping by to talk with her.

“Though we wish she had the freedom she deserves, we’re so happy that she survived her earlier ordeals to enjoy the blissful days we try to provide for her here.” wrote Big Cat Rescue.

“She’s extremely playful and loves to roll on her back and grab her paws or try to do somersaults whenever she has visitors stopping by to talk with her.” they wrote.

You can watch Nikita on live streaming web cams here: Live Feed 1, Live Feed 2.

For more information about Nikita or if you want to support Big Cat Rescue sanctuary please visit: Big Cat Rescue.