Land of Cats

Oscar-winning actress, Halle Berry posted a touching eulogy on Instagram, sharing the sad news that her 16-year-old beloved cat, Playdough, had lost the battle with brain cancer.

“This little guy lit up our lives and brought us joy every day for 16 years! While his loss is tough for all of us, especially my children, it’s an inevitable part of life,” Berry wrote.

Berry adopted Playdough in 2004 during the filming of Catwoman. While researching her role, she took home one of the roughly 60 cats the producers rescued from shelters to use in the movie.

“The bond my kids shared with Playdough was unique and special and through it, they learned compassion and kindness and the importance of loving and caring for life’s sweetest creatures,” Berry continued in her post.

“Playdough reminded us all that it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all! We will miss him!” she concluded.
