Land of Cats

Scrappy is a 19 years old cat who has turned his black fur into one with markings like snowflakes.

It all started when he had 7 years old when white spots started to appear on his fur. As he aged the markings become more and more extensive. He has now a pattern that can rarely be seen at a cat.

Scrappy was born in 1997 from a litter of five. He was a perfectly normal black kitten who was very healthy.

It is possible that Scrappy’s condition to be called Vitiligo. A rare condition in cats produces a “cobweb” or “snowflake” effect that is most easily seen on black cats. White spots appear on the coat that become more extensive with age until the cat has a white lace pattern on the colored fur. Ultimately the cat may go completely white or be left with diminishing isolated patches of color.

In September Scrappy turned 19! He is very healthy for his age, he is active and plays like a kitten.

You can follow Scrappy on his Facebook page!