Land of Cats

National advocacy organization Alley Cat Allies, headquartered in Bethesda, Md, marks Earth Day 2016 by celebrating the role of cats in the environment, the work that caregivers, advocates, animal control officers, and shelters are doing to help them, and the widespread success of Trap-Neuter-Return programs.

“As animal advocates, we want what’s best for cats and for all animals,” “Cats in every community live alongside wildlife now just as they always have, and the best way to help all of them is through humane care. Spay/neuter and vaccination, delivered through a Trap-Neuter-Return program, is best for cats, wildlife, and the people who live nearby.”

“People everywhere tell us how much they love cats and welcome them into their neighborhoods,” Robinson said. “Earth Day reminds us that TNR programs help communities understand how to enjoy cats by respecting them as a vital part of the community. This is why it has become such a mainstream approach in the U.S.” said Becky Robinson, president and founder of Alley Cat Allies.

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