Land of Cats

There are many reasons why you should adopt an old cat. In all shelters are many old cats who are waiting for someone to adopt them. Some wait for years till they find a home, some are never adopted.

Tigger, a 20-year-old cat was abandoned by his owner at a local veterinary surgery. Tigger was so confused and sad, he couldn’t understand why his human decided to give up on him. They kept him safe at the vet for months but he needed a real home again.

Adriene Nicole read Tigger’s story on Facebook and decided to be Tigger’s hero so she adopted him!

“Tigger was skinny, matted to the skin and drinking up to a gallon of water a day,” Nicole wrote on Tigger’s Facebook page. Tigger was also suffering from kidney failure, and he had a golf ball-sized tumor on his body.

“So many of you might recall the 20 yr (now 21) that we adopted in Feb. who was abandoned by his owner. Though he is in kidney failure and we found a tumor, he kicks it like a 12 yr old. So we created a bucket list for our old man Tigger…we’ve crossed a few off the list, but this has been his favorite. Thanksgiving weekend we took him to the beach and he loved it! Literally sunbathed in the sand and walks along the water all afternoon. Needless to say he made a lot of friends as people stopped to pet him and hear his story.” wrote Adriene on Facebook.

You can follow Tigger on: Facebook